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Multi-word Results
at every turn in every case or instance.
good turn a helpful act; favor.
out of turn not in correct order.
turn a blind eye to ignore or tolerate behavior that is considered wrong, or that is against a rule or against the law.
turn around to move one's body or one's vehicle so that it is facing in the opposite direction. [3 definitions]
turn back to change one's direction and go toward the direction one has just come. [2 definitions]
turn down to lower something, such as the heat or noise. [2 definitions]
turn in to return something to an official person.
turn into to change and become something else; transform. [2 definitions]
turn off to stop the power or flow of something.
turn on to start the power or flow of something.
turn one's back on to pay no attention to the needs of; abandon.
turn out to come to be in a particular condition or state in the end. [4 definitions]
turn over to turn something to the other side.
turn over a new leaf to change one's behavior for the better; make a new start.
turn pro to become a professional at some activity, usu. a sport, that one formerly engaged in as an amateur or for pleasure.
turn signal any of the lights on a car or other vehicle that flash on and off to show that the vehicle is about to turn and to show which way it will turn. Turn signals are located on both the front and back of the vehicle.
turn the tables on to reverse a situation in order to gain the advantage.
turn the tide to reverse or change significantly the course of events, tendency of opinion, or the like.
turn thumbs down to reject a proposal, plan, or the like.