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Multi-word Results
buckle up (informal) to fasten one's safety belt, as in a car or airplane.
build up to grow in size, amount, or intensity. [5 definitions]
buildup the act, instance, or process of increasing in amount, number, or strength; accumulation; increase; growth. [3 definitions]
built-up made greater in amount, size, strength, or the like, esp. by augmentation. [2 definitions]
bundle up to dress in warm clothing, esp. bulky clothing.
burn up to burn (something) completely. [2 definitions]
bust up to break up.
butter up (informal) to praise or act very nicely toward (someone), sometimes insincerely, in hopes of gaining something from that person.
buy up to buy all or most of the supply of (something).
call up (informal) to telephone (someone); make a call to. [2 definitions]
call-up an order to a large number of people to report for active military duty.
catch up to reach the same distance or level as another or others who are further ahead (usu. fol. by "to" or "with"). [3 definitions]
catch-up any attempt to overtake one who is ahead, as in a game.
chalk up to score; earn. [2 definitions]
check up on to look at or seek information about (someone or something) in order to find out if they are all right or if they getting into any trouble.
cheer up to stop being sad or unhappy; become cheerful or more cheerful. [2 definitions]
choke up to lose the ability to speak because of intense emotion or stress. [2 definitions]
choose up (informal) to select players for each side or team, as in a sandlot baseball game.
clam up (informal) to stop talking or refuse to speak.
clean up to wash or clean (something). [4 definitions]