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Multi-word Results
clean up one's act (informal) to improve one's performance or behavior.
clear up to become sunny or clear after being cloudy or foggy. [5 definitions]
clew up in nautical terminology, to haul (a sail) up by ropes running through the clews.
clog up to block something from moving along or going through. [2 definitions]
close-up in photography, films, or television, a picture taken at close range to show details, as of facial expression. (Cf. long shot.) [2 definitions]
cloud up to become cloudy.
come up to begin to be visible in the sky. [6 definitions]
come up with to search one's memory or use one's imagination to produce a word, name, idea, or the like. [2 definitions]
conjure up to produce in the mind; evoke.
cook up (informal) to concoct; devise.
cooped up unpleasantly confined.
cough up (slang) to give over (something demanded, esp. money). [2 definitions]
cover up to conceal (something damaging or embarrassing).
cover-up an action or scheme to conceal something, esp. a misdeed or scandal.
crack up (informal) to break into uncontrollable laughter. [2 definitions]
crack-up a collision of a vehicle; crash. [2 definitions]
crank up (informal) to get prepared or begin. [2 definitions]
creep up on to silently approach from behind or in such as way as to surprise.
crop up to appear or occur unexpectedly.
curl up to get into a comfortable sitting or reclining position.