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Multi-word Results
act up to behave in a bad or mischievous way; misbehave. [2 definitions]
add up to bring one to a logical conclusion; to make sense.
add up to reach (a certain total).
back up to create and store a copy of (a computer file), often in a separate location, in case the original is damaged or lost. [8 definitions]
bang up to damage or injure, as in a collision.
bang-up (informal) done very well; excellent.
bark up the wrong tree to direct one's attention, efforts, request, or accusation to the wrong person or thing.
be up to to be the choice or responsibility of.
bear up to work through something difficult without giving up; endure.
beat up to hit or kick (someone) until seriously injured. [2 definitions]
beat-up (informal) in poor or damaged condition because of age or hard use; in disrepair; shabby.
beef up to add improvements to (something) to make it stronger or more efficient.
blow up to destroy or be destroyed through an explosion. [2 definitions]
boot up in computing, to start up (a computer or a program) by loading the operating system or installing the initial instructions.
bottle up to control or hold in; not express.
brace up to summon one's strength or courage.
break up to break into pieces. [3 definitions]
bring up to take care of a child until the child is an adult. [2 definitions]
brush up on to study something again because you forgot some of your knowledge.
buck up (informal) to cause to recover one's morale or courage.