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Trojan War in Greek mythology and The Iliad, the ten-year siege of Troy by the Greeks, caused by the abduction of Helen, the wife of a Greek king, by Paris, a Trojan prince.
tug of war a contest of strength between two teams pulling on opposite ends of a rope, each trying to pull the other across a central line. [2 definitions]
undeclared war a conflict that has the characteristics of a war, including open, armed fighting between nations or groups of people, but is not precipitated by an official declaration of war.
Vietnam War a war (1954-1975) between the communist Viet Cong forces supported by North Vietnam, China, and Russia and the non-communist government forces supported by South Vietnam and the U.S., which ended with the unification of Vietnam under communist North Vietnam.
War Between the States the U.S. Civil War, esp. as referred to in the former states of the Confederacy.
war bonnet a ceremonial headdress worn by some Indians of the North American plains, consisting of a headband with a long trailing extension, both decorated with feathers.
war chest a fund of money set aside for a special purpose, such as a political campaign.
war cry a shout uttered by warriors in battle. [2 definitions]
war dance a tribal dance, esp. by some American Indians, performed before a battle, or after a victory.
war game a simulated military engagement or action, involving either actual troops or computerized projections.
war hawk one who advocates war, esp. any member of the twelfth U.S. Congress who favored war; hawk.
War of 1812 the war between the United States and Great Britain from 1812 to 1815.
War of American Independence see "American Revolution."
war of nerves a conflict consisting primarily of psychological techniques, as of confusion or intimidation, rather than overt military or physical action.
war paint pigments applied to the face and body by warriors, as those of some American Indian tribes, before a battle.
war-horse formerly, a horse used in battle. [3 definitions]
World War I a major four-year war fought primarily in Europe between the Allies, including France, Great Britain, and the United States, and the Central Powers, including Germany and Austria-Hungary, that ended in 1918 with the collapse of the Central Powers; Great War.
World War II the major war of 1939-45, fought between Germany, Italy, and Japan on one side, and Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union on the other. It ended with the collapse of Germany and the surrender of Japan.