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Multi-word Results
give (someone) a break to refrain from giving (someone) a punishment or negative consequence, although such punishment or consequence would normally be expected. [3 definitions]
give (someone) a buzz (informal) to telephone (someone).
give (someone) a ring (informal) to telephone (someone).
give a wide berth to to stay out of the way of.
give away to give someone something without asking for payment. [2 definitions]
give back to return (something) to someone after taking, using, or borrowing. [3 definitions]
give birth to bring a child or baby animal into the world.
give in to agree to something you don't want to agree to, especially after a long argument.
give off to release into the air; emit.
give one's eyeteeth to give one's most valued possession, as for something that one greatly desires.
give out to distribute (something), usually by hand. [3 definitions]
give rise to to lead to; cause.
give someone a hand to help (someone) with a particular task.
give someone the finger (slang) to express anger or contempt by extending the middle finger upward.
give someone the slip to escape from.
give the gate to reject.
give up to quit. [2 definitions]
give up the ghost to lose one's life; die.
give way to collapse or fall apart.
give-and-take the act, process, or practice of compromising. [2 definitions]