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bank account the money that you keep in a bank.
bank card an official card, esp. a credit card or ATM card, issued by a bank to a customer and used in transactions.
bank holiday an official holiday in the UK, when banks and other businesses are closed.
bank note a promissory note issued by an authorized bank.
bank on (informal) to count on.
bank rate the standard rate of discount that is established by a central bank or banks.
bank statement a document that shows all the transactions that have occurred during a specific period of time in a bank account, esp. a periodic statement compiled by a bank for an account holder.
blood bank a place where blood is collected and stored for later use by people who have lost too much blood.
break the bank (informal) to bring someone or something to financial ruin.
commercial bank a bank that is involved primarily in receiving demand deposits that are used as checking accounts, and in making short-term loans.
cut bank a steep riverbank, esp. one formed by erosion along a bend in a river.
Federal Reserve Bank any of twelve central district banks in the U.S. Federal Reserve System.
fog bank a distinct dense mass of fog, esp. as seen from a distance.
food bank a place where food is collected and distributed to those who are in need. [2 definitions]
investment bank a financial institution in which the underwriting and marketing of security issues is the chief business.
land bank a bank that finances transactions in real estate, esp. those involving farmland.
Left Bank a section of Paris on the south bank of the river Seine, associated with artists, writers, and the like.
mutual savings bank a savings bank that distributes its net earnings to its depositors and has no capital.
national bank a bank chartered by the U.S. Government and required to be a member of the Federal Reserve System. [2 definitions]
piggy bank a small bank in which coins are put through a slot and saved. Piggy banks are in the shape of a pig.