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Multi-word Results
second nature an acquired habit, characteristic, or skill that has been practiced so often that it appears to be part of one's nature.
second person in grammar, the category of pronouns, inflections, and the like that indicates the person being spoken to. [2 definitions]
second self a person who is so closely involved with another as to take on many of the other's personal qualities, values, and the like.
second sight the alleged ability to witness faraway events and foresee the future; clairvoyance.
second thought (often pl.) a reconsideration of, or doubt about, a previous decision or opinion.
second wind the return of comparative ease in breathing, following a brief period of exhaustion, that often occurs during a physically demanding activity such as running. [2 definitions]
second-class not of highest quality or status. [3 definitions]
second-guess to criticize by using information that was not originally available. [2 definitions]
second-rate of a somewhat inferior quality or rank.
second-source of or denoting a cooperative business arrangement in which products of one company are also manufactured by another company. [2 definitions]
second-string of or designating a player or team that is kept ready to substitute for any primary player or players in an athletic contest. [2 definitions]
split second a fraction or part of a second; extremely brief time; instant.
thirty-second note a musical note with one thirty-second the time value of a whole note; demisemiquaver.