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parts of speech:
pronoun, adjective, adverb
part of speech: pronoun
inflections: these
definition 1: the person, thing, or matter that is mentioned, understood, or present.
This is my father.Let's talk about this over a cup of tea.
definition 2: the person, thing, or matter closer than another in time or space, or the one most in mind.
You take that over there, and I'll take this.
definition 3: the statement or idea that is about to follow.
Listen to this.
part of speech: adjective
definition 1: used to indicate a person, thing, or matter that is talked about, understood, or present.
This boat is old; will it carry us?Now, this man had five daughters.
definition 2: used to show that a person, thing, or matter is closer than another in time or space, or more in mind.
This house and that house are alike.
definition 3: used to refer to something that is about to happen or be told.
Watch this trick, Mom!Listen to this joke. It's really funny.
part of speech: adverb
definition: to the degree or extent that is being pointed out.
It is always this cold here.Does it have to take this long?