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cell phone a telephone that operates using radio signals and therefore requires no wires. A cell phone can be taken with one anywhere but may not function if it is too far away from a radio transmitter to receive signals.
cellular phone a telephone that can be taken anywhere and does not use wires. A cellular phone uses radio signals that are sent out from many different points called "cells." A cellular phone gets its signals from whatever cell is closest to it at the moment. A cellular phone is often called a "cell phone."
cordless phone a telephone that consists of a battery-operated handset that communicates across short distances via radio waves to an electrically-powered unit that must be connected to a telephone line in order to function.
pay phone a usu. coin-operated public telephone.
phone booth a small enclosed structure containing a public telephone.
phone box (chiefly British) a small enclosed structure containing a public telephone; phone booth.
phone number a short form of telephone number.