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Multi-word Results
bone china a fine type of white porcelain produced by mixing bone ash or calcium phosphate with the clay.
bone marrow the the soft fatty tissue at the core of most bones, where many types of blood cells form and mature before entering the blood stream.
bone meal bones that have been coarsely ground, used as fertilizer and animal feed.
bone of contention an issue or matter that causes or is the focus of disagreement.
bone white a yellowish or grayish white color.
bone-dry (informal) dry as a bone after prolonged exposure to sun and wind; very dry or thirsty.
boneblack the carbonized residue of heat-treated bones, used as a blacking pigment or decoloring agent.
cannon bone a supporting bone between the knee or hock and the fetlock of a hoofed animal.
crazy bone see "funny bone."
frontal bone the broad bone of the skull that forms the forehead.
funny bone the place on the back of the elbow where a sharp blow causes a strange tingling sensation.
hamate bone a wedge-shaped bone on the side of the wrist that has a hooklike projection on the surface near the palm.
have a bone to pick to have reason for an argument or difference of opinion.
innominate bone one of the two large, flat lateral bones of the pelvis.
lacrimal bone the thin membrane bone that forms the front part of the inner wall of each eye socket, near the tear glands.
membrane bone a bone that is formed in membranous tissue, rather than in cartilage.
occipital bone a curved, compound, four-sided bone that forms the back and part of the base of the skull.
sphenoid bone see "sphenoid."
stirrup bone one of the three bones of the middle ear; stapes.
T-bone steak a cut of tenderloin meat characterized by its T-shaped bone.