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Multi-word Results
day lily any of several wild and cultivated varieties of lily whose multiple, trumpet-shaped flowers each bloom for a single day.
Easter lily any of various white-flowered lilies that are artificially brought into bloom for Easter Sunday, used esp. to decorate the altars of Christian churches on Easter.
lily of the valley a plant of the lily family that has small, white flowers shaped like bells. The flowers have a pleasant smell and are grown by many people.
lily pad the large, flat, floating leaf of a water lily.
lily-livered lacking courage; meek.
lily-white white as a lily. [4 definitions]
mariposa lily a lilylike plant found in Mexico and the western United States. [2 definitions]
plantain lily any of several perennial lilies having broad, strongly ribbed leaves and bearing clusters of white, blue, or purple flowers.
pond lily see "water lily."
sand lily a small, stemless perennial with grasslike leaves and white, fragrant, star-shaped flowers.
sea lily a deep-water marine crinoid with a flowerlike body on a long stalk by which it is attached to the ocean floor.
sego lily a lily native to the western United States that bears a bell-shaped flower and has an edible root.
tiger lily an Asian lily that has large orange petals spotted with black and curved back toward the stem, or any of various similarly colored lilies.
Turk's-cap lily any of various, usu. orange-flowered lilies having strongly recurved petals and sepals, resembling a rolled turban.
water lily a plant that grows in a pond or lake. Water lilies have large, flat, floating leaves and pretty flowers in various colors. [2 definitions]