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Multi-word Results
bull nose a contagious disease in pigs caused by a bacterial infection and marked by a kind of swelling in the snout and mouth that destroys tissue.
cut off one's nose to spite one's face to take spiteful or vengeful action that causes pain or disadvantage to oneself.
follow one's nose to move or act according to instinct.
keep one's nose to the grindstone to start or diligently pursue some hard or tedious work, esp. in a spirit of resignation.
look down one's nose at to feel that one is better than or superior to.
nose bag see "feed bag."
nose cone the front part of a rocket that is shaped like a cone.
nose dive a sudden, steep, downward plunge of an aircraft, with the forward section pointing down. [2 definitions]
nose drops liquid medication inserted in or through the nose, as with a dropper, to relieve congestion.
nose job (informal) a surgical procedure for changing the appearance of the nose.
nose ring a ring inserted through the nose of an animal so that it may be led. [2 definitions]
on the nose exactly.
pug nose a short, broad, somewhat flattened nose, turned up at the end.
put one's nose to the grindstone to start or diligently pursue some hard or tedious work, esp. in a spirit of resignation.
Roman nose a nose with a high, prominent bridge.
thumb one's nose to treat with contempt or defiance (usually followed by "at").