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Multi-word Results
angle iron a piece of rolled iron or steel in the form of a right angle along its lengthwise dimension, used in construction for joining parts or as support.
branding iron a long-handled metal implement, usu. with a stamp or symbol at the end, that is heated and pressed against a surface, esp. the skin of a cow, to make a burn of a particular shape for identification.
cast iron a mixture of iron and carbon, with other materials added to make it either hard and brittle or soft and strong.
cast-iron made of cast iron. [2 definitions]
curling iron a metal implement in the form of a rod that is heated, around which hair is wrapped in order to curl or wave it.
grappling iron see "grapnel."
Iron Age the stage or level of development of human culture that followed the Bronze Age and that was characterized by the use of iron tools and weapons, beginning about 1000 B.C.
iron curtain (sometimes cap.) the barrier to free communication and exchange of information which was attributed by Western nations to the secrecy and censorship of the Soviet Union after World War II.
iron hand harsh or tight control, as by a despot.
iron lung a large metal chamber in which the body can be enclosed up to the neck, that maintains artificial respiration by means of alternating pulses of high and low pressure, used esp. for polio victims.
iron maiden a medieval instrument of torture consisting of a coffinlike case in which a victim was impaled on spikes.
iron out to clear up or smooth out.
iron pyrites pyrite; fool's gold.
pig iron iron from a blast furnace that has been cast into blocks. [2 definitions]
pump iron (informal) to exercise the muscles, esp. by lifting weights.
scrap iron discarded objects or remnants of iron, to be remelted or reworked.
soldering iron a tool with a pointed tip used to melt solder and apply it to metallic joints.
steam iron an electric iron that holds and heats water which is emitted in jets of steam onto the cloth being pressed.
strike while the iron is hot to take advantage of an opportunity without waiting.
waffle iron a cooking appliance consisting of two hinged plates that close on the batter, leaving an indented grid pattern on the waffle.