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Multi-word Results
British East India Company a British company that carried on trade with the East Indies from 1600 to 1874 under the sanction of a royal government charter.
closed-end investment company an investment company that issues a fixed number of shares in large blocks, at infrequent intervals, which are traded on an exchange.
company store a retail store operated as a monopoly by the same company that employs the local work force.
East India Company see "British East India Company." [2 definitions]
finance company a business institution involved in a wide range of financial loan activities, such as personal or small business loans or the purchasing of accounts receivable.
holding company a corporation that controls other companies, either partially or totally, by ownership of their stock.
investment company a company or trust that issues its own securities against the investments it makes in other companies.
joint-stock company a company organized like a corporation except that stockholders are liable for debts.
limited company (chiefly British) a company owned by shareholders who have only limited liability for the company's debts.
part company to end a friendship or relationship.
stock company a corporation whose capital is divided into shares of stock. [2 definitions]
trust company a company or corporation that acts as a trustee and often engages in other banking or commercial activities as well.