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Multi-word Results
bug bite (informal) the bite or sting of an insect or the resulting wound or swelling.
bug off (informal) to stop bothering someone and leave.
bug out (informal) to leave, quit, or flee; desert.
chinch bug a small black and white insect that is destructive to grains and grasses.
Croton bug a small cockroach.
gold bug any of several North American beetles having a shiny or gold luster. [2 definitions]
June bug any of several large brown or iridescent green beetles of the eastern United States which appear in late spring and early summer.
lightning bug another name for firefly.
lygus bug any of a variety of plant-sucking bugs that may transmit plant viruses.
pill bug a small animal that resembles an insect, but with more legs. Pill bugs have segmented bodies that they can curl into a ball.
sow bug any of several small terrestrial, oval, segmented isopods, often found under logs or stones; wood louse.
stink bug any of a variety of insects that give off a disagreeable odor.