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Multi-word Results
back and forth moving backward then forward, or forward then backward, often many times without stopping.
back burner a state of temporary low priority (usu. prec. by "on the").
back formation in linguistics, a word that appears to be the base of, but was actually formed from, another word, as "trivia" from "trivial".
back number any previous issue of a periodical.
back order part of an order that will be filled at a later date.
back out of to fail to do something that was agreed upon.
back road a road that avoids traffic and high speed travel. It is often a small, country road that goes through areas with few houses and buildings.
back seat the seat or seating area behind other seats, especially in a car or other vehicle.
back talk insolent replies or retorts; impudence.
back up to create and store a copy of (a computer file), often in a separate location, in case the original is damaged or lost. [8 definitions]
back-order to submit an order for (something) to be filled at a later time, as when (it) is available.
back-pedal to press backward on the pedals of a bicycle or tricycle in order to brake. [3 definitions]
back-seat driver a passenger who gives unsolicited advice about driving to the driver.
back-step a step taken backwards. [2 definitions]
back-talk (informal) to answer in an insolent manner.
back-to-back following immediately after another; in consecutive order. [2 definitions]
behind one's back when one is not present; secretly.
bounce back to return to a normal condition quickly or completely.
bring back to reintroduce (something from the past). [3 definitions]
call back to continue a telephone conversation with (someone) at a later time, or to return someone's telephone call.