jinn |
a supernatural being of Muslim legends that can take on the appearance of a person or animal and help or harm people; jinni; genie. |
jinni |
see "jinn." |
jinriksha |
a small two-wheeled vehicle of Japanese origin that can carry passengers and be pulled by one or two people; ricksha. |
jinx |
a person, thing, or set of circumstances that is believed to cause bad luck. [2 definitions] |
jipijapa |
a palmlike plant of Central and South America that has long, fanlike leaves used to make Panama hats. |
jitney |
a vehicle that takes passengers to scheduled locations for a small charge. |
jitter |
(pl.) a condition of great nervousness or apprehensiveness (usu. prec. by "the"). [2 definitions] |
jitterbug |
a popular, improvised, and athletic dance of the 1940s done to jazz, swing, or boogie-woogie music. [3 definitions] |
jittery |
having or showing nervousness or apprehensiveness; shaky. |
jiujitsu |
variant of jujitsu. |
jive |
swing or jazz music. [6 definitions] |
J. K. Rowling |
pen name of British author Joanne Rowling, best known for her fiction series relating the adventures of a young wizard named Harry Potter (b.1965). |
Job |
in the Old Testament, a believer in God who did not lose his faith in spite of the trials and suffering he had to endure. [2 definitions] |
job |
a specific task or piece of work. [11 definitions] |
job action |
a collective action by workers, such as a temporary strike or slowdown, that is undertaken to force a company to change its policies, esp. in regard to working conditions. |
jobber |
someone who sells goods to retail merchants for resale; wholesaler. [2 definitions] |
Job Corps |
a U.S. Government program that provides job training for underprivileged young people. |
jobholder |
someone who is steadily employed. |
jobless |
denoting or pertaining to persons who do not have jobs. [2 definitions] |
job lot |
a large quantity of assorted goods, usu. sold or handled as a single transaction. [2 definitions] |
Job's-tears |
(used with a sing. verb) an annual tropical grass that bears hard, beadlike seeds containing edible grains. |