-phobe |
one who fears or despises (something specified). |
-phobia |
strong, abnormal, or unreasonable fear or dislike. |
phobia |
a strong, persistent, irrational fear of, or aversion to, something. |
phobic |
pertaining to, characteristic of, or exhibiting a phobia. |
Phobos |
the larger of the two moons of the planet Mars. |
phoebe |
a small, brownish gray North American bird of the flycatcher family. |
Phoebus |
the Latin name for Phoibos, a byname for the Greek god Apollo. |
Phoenicia |
an ancient kingdom on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean. |
Phoenician |
a native or resident of Phoenicia. [4 definitions] |
Phoenix |
the capital of Arizona. |
phoenix |
(sometimes cap.) in Egyptian mythology, a beautiful bird that lives for about five hundred years, sets itself on fire, and rises reborn from the ashes, symbolizing immortality. |
Phoibos |
a byname, meaning "radiant," for the Greek god Apollo. The Latin variant is Phoebus. |
Phoibos Apollo |
Apollo, in his capacity as the god of sunlight. |
phon |
a unit of loudness of sound, relative to a pure tone of one kilohertz, the difference being measured either objectively with acoustical equipment, or subjectively. |
phonate |
in phonetics, to utter or vocalize (a voiced sound or sounds). |
-phone |
sound. [2 definitions] |
phone1 |
a telephone. [4 definitions] |
phone2 |
a discrete speech sound. |
phone booth |
a small enclosed structure containing a public telephone. |
phone box |
(chiefly British) a small enclosed structure containing a public telephone; phone booth. |
phoneme |
in linguistics, any of the minimal units of sound that are part of the sound system of any language. |