affirmation |
the act of affirming. [2 definitions] |
affirmative |
affirming. [4 definitions] |
affirmative action |
a policy or program, supported by U. S. government regulations, to give equal opportunity in employment, college admissions, and the like to those considered previously disadvantaged, such as women and certain racial minority groups. |
affix |
to attach or join physically (usu. fol. by "to"). [5 definitions] |
affixable |
combined form of affix. |
afflatus |
creative impulse; inspiration. |
afflict |
to cause physical or mental suffering to. |
af flicted |
suffering from a disease or from harm caused by another. |
affliction |
a condition of pain or suffering, or the cause of such a state. |
afflictive |
marked by or causing pain or suffering. |
affluence |
material wealth. [2 definitions] |
affluent |
having material wealth. [3 definitions] |
afford |
to have enough money to purchase (something); be able to meet (an expense). [3 definitions] |
affordable |
able to be obtained without excessive sacrifice of money or without incurring serious consequences. |
afforest |
to plant (a forest) in an area with few or no existing trees. |
afforestation |
the process of planting a forest in an area that has not been forest before. |
affray |
a noisy public quarrel or fight; brawl. |
affricate |
a speech sound that results from a stoppage of breath followed by a release at the same point of articulation, such as the "ch" sound in "chip". |
affright |
(archaic) to frighten. [3 definitions] |
affront |
an openly insulting deed or remark. [4 definitions] |
Afghan |
a native or citizen of Afghanistan, or a descendant thereof. [5 definitions] |