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anthologize to compose an anthology. [2 definitions]
anthology a collection of written works, often of a particular type, by one or several authors.
anthozoan any of several immobile marine organisms, including corals and sea anemones; actinozoan.
anthracene a crystalline hydrocarbon derived from coal tar and used in making dyes and detecting radiation.
anthracite a hard, shiny coal that burns cleanly with little flame.
anthrax an infectious, often fatal disease, esp. of sheep and cattle, but communicable to humans. [2 definitions]
anthropo- human.
anthropocentric assuming man to be the most important purpose or being of the universe. [2 definitions]
anthropogenesis the scientific study of humanity's origin.
anthropoid of apes, resembling a human being, esp. in shape. [3 definitions]
anthropologist a person engaged in the study of anthropology.
anthropology the scientific study of mankind, esp. its origins, development, social customs and structures, and cultures.
anthropometry a branch of anthropology concerned with comparative measurements of the human body, among individuals or groups.
anthropomorphic similar in form to a human being. [2 definitions]
anthropomorphism the attribution of human qualities to a god, animal, or object.
anthropomorphous anthropomorphic.
anthropophagus a human who eats human flesh; cannibal.
anthropophagy the act of eating human flesh; cannibalism.
anthurium any of several tropical plants, often cultivated for their colorful leaves and flowers.
anti (informal) a person opposing a particular group, practice, value, or policy.
anti- against or opposed to. [3 definitions]