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antiquark the antiparticle of the quark.
antiquary a student or collector of, or expert in, antiques or antiquities.
antiquate to make obsolete or old-fashioned.
antique made in or belonging to earlier times; of a period long past. [5 definitions]
antiquity ancient times, esp. prior to the Middle Ages. [4 definitions]
antirabies combined form of rabies.
antiracism combined form of racism.
antiracist combined form of racist.
antiradar combined form of radar.
antiradical combined form of radical.
antiradicalism combined form of radicalism.
antirational combined form of rational.
antirationalism combined form of rationalism.
antirationalist combined form of rationalist.
antirationality combined form of rationality.
antirealism combined form of realism.
antirealist combined form of realist.
antireductionism combined form of reductionism.
antireductionist combined form of reductionist.
antireflection combined form of reflection.
antireflective combined form of reflective.