appellant |
one who makes an appeal, esp. one who takes a case before a higher court for review. |
appellate |
having to do with appeals, esp. having the power to review and reverse a lower court's decisions. |
appellate jurisdiction |
the power of a court to review rulings made by a lower court and potentially change the outcomes of a lower court's decision. |
appellation |
a name, title, or other designation. [2 definitions] |
appellation contrôlée |
(sometimes caps.) a designation on the labels of certain French wines or liquors, certifying that the contents meet prescribed standards. [2 definitions] |
appellative |
a descriptive name or title, as "Terrible" in "Ivan the Terrible". [4 definitions] |
append |
to add, esp. as something extra at the end of a text. [2 definitions] |
appendage |
something attached to a larger or more significant thing. [3 definitions] |
appendant |
attached as an appendage; affixed. [4 definitions] |
appendectomy |
surgical removal of the appendix in the lower right-hand side of the abdomen. |
appendicitis |
inflammation of the appendix in the lower right-hand side of the abdomen. |
appendix |
a section with additional material, often bibliographical or statistical, attached at the end of a book, article, or other text. [3 definitions] |
apperceive |
to be aware of perceiving; comprehend. |
apperception |
the act of apperceiving. [2 definitions] |
appertain |
to belong or be related as an attribute, accompaniment, consideration, or the like; pertain (usu. fol. by "to"). |
appetency |
intense craving or desire. [2 definitions] |
appetite |
a desire to eat. [3 definitions] |
appetizer |
a food or drink served in small portions before a meal to whet the appetite. |
appetizing |
appealing to the appetite. |
applaud |
to clap the hands in approval. [3 definitions] |
applaudable |
combined form of applaud. |