approbation |
approval; praise. [2 definitions] |
appropriate |
fitting the practical or social requirements of the situation; seemly; suitable. [3 definitions] |
appropriation |
the act of appropriating, or something appropriated. [2 definitions] |
approval |
the act of approving. [2 definitions] |
approve |
to give official sanction to. [3 definitions] |
approx. |
abbreviation of "approximate" or "approximately." |
approximate |
very close in accuracy; nearly exact or correct. [6 definitions] |
approximately |
close to, in the area of. |
approximation |
the act of approximating. [3 definitions] |
appurtenance |
something that supplements a more important thing; adjunct. [2 definitions] |
Apr. |
abbreviation of "April," the fourth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty days. |
apraxia |
a disorder that prevents certain complex muscular movements, caused by damage to the brain. |
a pretty penny |
(informal) a high price or large amount of money. |
apricot |
a soft round fruit with fuzzy orange-pink or yellow skin. [3 definitions] |
April |
the fourth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty days. |
April fool |
one upon whom a trick or practical joke is played on April Fools' Day. |
April Fools' Day |
the first day of April, when tricks and practical jokes are customarily played on unsuspecting people. |
a priori |
proceeding from cause to effect or from the general to the particular; deductive. [3 definitions] |
apron |
a garment covering all or part of the front of the body, usu. worn to protect the wearer's clothing. [3 definitions] |
apropos |
appropriate; relevant; opportune. [4 definitions] |
apse |
a projection at the end of a church or other building, usu. having a domed or arched roof. |