arcane |
of a secret or esoteric nature; mysterious; abstruse. |
arcanum |
(often pl.) a deep secret or mystery, as of nature. [3 definitions] |
arc furnace |
an electric furnace in which heat is produced by an arc formed between the material being heated and an electrode, or between two electrodes. |
-arch |
leader; ruler. |
arch1 |
a structural element, usu. of masonry, that is curved and used to span an open space such as a door. [5 definitions] |
arch2 |
mischievous, sly, or teasing. |
arch- |
principal; main. [3 definitions] |
archaeo- |
ancient. |
archaeoastronomy |
the study of the astronomy of prehistoric cultures. |
archaeological |
of or relating to archaeology. |
archaeologist |
a scientist who works in the field of archaeology, the study of past human life and culture. |
archaeology |
the systematic and scientific study of past human life and culture using information gained from the analysis of their artifacts, such as pottery, tools, buildings, and the like. |
archaic |
having the features or characteristics typical of a much older time; antiquated. [3 definitions] |
archaism |
something archaic, such as a word or expression. [2 definitions] |
archangel |
a high-ranking celestial being, esp. in medieval Christian theology, a member of the nine orders of angels. [2 definitions] |
archbishop |
a highest ranking bishop who officiates over a church diocese or province. |
archbishopric |
the position, rank, or term of an archbishop. [2 definitions] |
archconservative |
an extremely conservative person, esp. with respect to political and social issues. [2 definitions] |
archdeacon |
a church official ranking just below a bishop and responsible for the administration of a diocese. [2 definitions] |
archdiocese |
the diocese presided over by an archbishop. |
archducal |
of or concerning an archduke or archduchy. |