aspartate |
the ionic form of aspartic acid, which is a nonessential amino acid found in proteins. |
aspartic acid |
a nonessential amino acid found in proteins. |
abbreviation of "American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals." |
aspect |
an element or part. [5 definitions] |
aspen |
any of several poplar trees whose leaves flutter in the slightest breeze. |
Asperger's syndrome |
a mild autism spectrum disorder in which afflicted individuals are generally of normal intelligence but have poor social and nonverbal communication skills. |
Aspergillus |
a genus of fungus that is classified as a mold. |
asperity |
harshness or roughness, esp. of tone or manner. |
asperse |
to spread false accusations or malicious insinuations against; slander. |
aspersion |
an insulting or malicious remark about someone; derogation; slander. [2 definitions] |
asphalt |
a sticky brown to black bituminous substance, occurring naturally or obtained as a by-product of refining petroleum and coal tar, and used for paving, roofing, and waterproofing. [4 definitions] |
asphalt jungle |
any large city, esp. when considered as the noisy, crowded arena of a struggle for survival. |
asphaltum |
see "asphalt." |
asphodel |
any of several flowering plants related to lilies, with tall spikes bearing clusters of usu. yellow or white flowers. |
asphyxia |
a lack of oxygen or excess of carbon dioxide in the lungs that results in suffocation. |
asphyxiate |
to cause unconsciousness or death by cutting off oxygen to; suffocate. [2 definitions] |
aspic1 |
a gelatin, usu. of meat or fish stock, used as a garnish for fish or meat or to make a mold of various foods. |
aspic2 |
a lavender plant of which the oil is used in making perfumes. |
aspidistra |
a plant with broad, smooth evergreen leaves growing from the base of the stem, often cultivated as a houseplant. |
aspirant |
a person who aspires, esp. to a certain position, rank, or the like. [2 definitions] |
aspirate |
in phonetics, to pronounce (a speech sound) with an audible release or rush of air, as the "h" in "helium" or the "p" in "pickle". [5 definitions] |