associate |
to come together as friends, business partners, or companions (often fol. by "with"). [10 definitions] |
associated |
linked; related. |
associate professor |
a college or university professor ranking above an assistant professor and below a full professor. |
associate's degree |
a degree that you get after finishing a program of studies at a community college. |
association |
a group of people joined together for a common purpose or by a mutual interest. [4 definitions] |
associative |
of, pertaining to, or caused by association. [2 definitions] |
associative property |
in addition and multiplication, the characteristic that allows you to add or multiply a group of numbers in any order and get the same answer. For example, in multiplication, (5 x 2) x 7 is equal to (7 x 2) x 5. |
assonance |
similarity in sounds, esp. vowel sounds. [2 definitions] |
as soon as |
no later than the time that, or immediately after the moment that. |
as soon as possible |
within the shortest amount of time possible. |
assort |
to arrange or classify in groups; sort. [2 definitions] |
assorted |
of different kinds or sorts, collected together; variety. [2 definitions] |
assortment |
a collection of various sorts of things; variety. [2 definitions] |
asst. |
abbreviation of "assistant," a person holding a secondary or junior position in an office or organization. |
assuage |
to make less severe or more bearable; alleviate. [2 definitions] |
as such |
in itself. |
assume |
to suppose (something) to be true based on logic but without evidence; take for granted. [4 definitions] |
assumed |
designed to deceive; feigned or pretended. [2 definitions] |
assuming |
showing presumption or arrogance. |
assumption |
the act of supposing or taking for granted. [5 definitions] |
assurance |
an assertion meant to instill confidence. [3 definitions] |