at fault |
responsible for mistakes or errors. |
at first |
in the beginning, or on the first occasion. |
at first blush |
when first observed; at first glance. |
at full blast |
(informal) at maximum speed or capacity. |
at full tilt |
at maximum speed. |
at gunpoint |
under the threat of being shot. |
Athabaskan |
a group of American Indian languages spoken by western tribes from Alaska and northwest Canada down through the coastal regions of Oregon and California. [3 definitions] |
Athapaskan |
variant of Athabaskan. |
atheism |
the belief that there is no God. |
atheist |
one who believes that there is no god or gods. |
Athena |
in Greek mythology, the goddess of wisdom, the arts, and strategic warfare; Minerva. |
athenaeum |
an institution or society for the promotion of learning. [2 definitions] |
Athenian |
of or pertaining to Athens or its inhabitants, culture, government, or the like (used esp. of classical Athens). [2 definitions] |
Athens |
the capital of Greece in modern and classical times. |
atherosclerosis |
a form of arteriosclerosis in which deposits of fatty nodules collect on the inner walls of arteries, often accompanied by degeneration of the affected areas. |
athirst |
eager, as for knowledge or experience. |
athlete |
a person who participates in sports or other physical activities, often as a competitor. [2 definitions] |
athlete's foot |
a common contagious skin infection characterized by itching and scaling, and caused by fungi that thrive in warm moist places, such as between the toes. |
athletic |
of or pertaining to sports and other physical activities. [3 definitions] |
athleticism |
an athletic quality or capacity, as involved in or required by a particular sport, feat, or the like, or as possessed by a person or animal. |
athletics |
(usu. used with a sing. verb) the study and practice of athletic development. [2 definitions] |