auditorium |
a large room in which performances, speeches, and the like are given in front of an audience, or a building housing such a space. |
auditory |
of or pertaining to hearing or the sense of hearing. |
auf Wiedersehen |
(German) until we see each other again; good-bye for now (used at parting). |
Aug. |
abbreviation of "August," the eighth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty-one days. |
Augean |
of or suggesting Augeas, a king in Greek mythology, or his stables, which had not been cleaned for thirty years until Hercules changed the course of a river so that it swept through them. [2 definitions] |
auger |
a tool used by carpenters for boring holes in wood. |
aught1 |
anything at all; any little part or bit. |
aught2 |
the cipher 0. [2 definitions] |
augment |
to make greater in size, degree, or amount; intensify by adding. [2 definitions] |
augmentation |
the process of augmenting or of being augmented. [2 definitions] |
augmentative |
tending or serving to augment. [3 definitions] |
augmented |
made greater or enhanced. |
au gratin |
coated or covered with bread crumbs, and sometimes butter or cheese, and baked until brown. |
augur |
one who predicts the future or tries to obtain hidden knowledge by interpreting signs and omens, esp. an ancient Roman religious official with such a duty; soothsayer. [5 definitions] |
augury |
the art or practice or an instance of predicting the future or obtaining hidden knowledge by interpreting omens. [2 definitions] |
August |
the eighth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty-one days. |
august |
of great majesty or dignity; venerable. |
Augustan |
of or relating to Augustus Caesar, to the period in which he reigned, or to the Latin literature of that period. [3 definitions] |
au jus |
of meat, served in its own juices. |
auk |
any of a group of web-footed, short-winged sea birds that live in colder parts of the Northern Hemisphere and are skilled at swimming and diving. |
auklet |
any of several small auks of the northern Pacific coasts. |