authenticate |
to prove the genuineness, reality, or validity of. |
authenticity |
the quality or condition of being authentic. |
author |
the writer of a book, play, story, or the like. [3 definitions] |
authoritarian |
of, pertaining to, or advocating complete obedience or subjection to authority, esp. political authority, without concern for individual rights. [3 definitions] |
authoritative |
having or displaying authority. [2 definitions] |
authorities |
(used with "the") the police or other people in government. |
authority |
the right, power, or ability to give orders, make decisions, or demand or compel obedience. [5 definitions] |
authorization |
power or permission issued by an authority. [2 definitions] |
authorize |
to give authority for or to; grant power to. [2 definitions] |
authorized |
endowed with official permission or authority; given legal approval. |
Authorized Version |
the English translation of the Bible authorized by King James I and published in England in 1611; King James Bible. |
authorship |
the occupation or practice of writing. [2 definitions] |
autism |
a developmental disorder usually becoming detectable in very early childhood that is characterized especially by atypical acquisition or use of language as well as atypical patterns of social interaction. |
autism spectrum disorder |
any of a group of developmental disorders, including autism and Asperger's syndrome, marked by repetitive behavior and problems with communication and social interaction. |
autistic |
having the developmental disorder of autism. [2 definitions] |
autistic savant |
an autistic person who has an extraordinary gift or ability, as in mathematics, music, or art. |
auto |
shortened form of "automobile." |
auto- |
self; same. |
autobahn |
a superhighway in Germany or Austria; expressway. |
autobiographical |
telling or based on the events and experiences of one's own life. |
autobiography |
the events of a person's life written or told by that person. |