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baluster any of a set of closely spaced posts that support a rail, as of a staircase or balcony.
balustrade a rail and the set of balusters, or posts, that support it.
Bamako the capital of Mali.
bambino an infant or baby. [2 definitions]
bamboo any of several tropical grasses that have hard, woody, hollow stems and grow to the height of a tree. [2 definitions]
bamboo curtain (sometimes cap.) a barrier to trade and diplomacy, based on ideological and political differences, that formerly existed between the People's Republic of China and the West, attributed by the latter to the secrecy and censorship practiced by the Chinese. (Cf. iron curtain.)
bamboozle (informal) to trick by deceptive claims, flattery, or the like; deceive. [2 definitions]
ban1 to forbid, usu. officially; prohibit. [3 definitions]
ban2 the smaller monetary unit of Romania. (Cf. leu.)
banal lacking originality or liveliness; disappointingly ordinary; commonplace; trite.
banana the long, curved, fleshy fruit of any of several tropical treelike plants. [2 definitions]
banana oil a clear synthetic liquid with a bananalike odor, used as a flavoring or paint solvent, and in the making of lacquers; amyl acetate.
banana republic (informal) a small, often politically unstable Central American country with a one-crop economy that is controlled by foreign capital (used as a derogatory label).
banana spider see "Brazilian wandering spider."
Banbury tart a small pastry shell filled with raisins, currants, nuts, and the like.
band1 a group of people, animals, or objects acting together. [4 definitions]
band2 a thin strip of flexible material that binds several objects together. [4 definitions]
bandage a strip of fabric used to protect or bind a wound or other injury. [3 definitions]
Band-Aid trademark for a small strip of adhesive tape that holds a gauze pad for covering minor wounds. [3 definitions]
bandanna a large handkerchief with a brightly colored design, sometimes worn on the head or neck.
Bandar Seri Begawan the seaport capital of Brunei.