barleycorn |
barley, or a seed of the barley plant. [2 definitions] |
barm |
yeast foam that appears atop fermenting malt liquors. |
barmaid |
a woman who mixes or serves drinks in an establishment selling alcoholic beverages; bartender. |
barman |
a man who mixes or serves drinks in an establishment selling alcoholic beverages; bartender. |
bar mitzvah |
a Jewish ceremony that celebrates a boy's adulthood and the assumption of his religious duties, usu. occurring at the age of thirteen. (Cf. bat mitzvah.) [2 definitions] |
barmy |
containing, resembling, or full of barm; yeasty, foamy, or frothy. [2 definitions] |
barn |
a large farm building designed to house livestock or store equipment or produce. |
barnacle |
any of a large group of marine crustaceans that are free-floating as larvae, but attach to submerged or intertidal surfaces such as wharves, rocks, ship bottoms, and the like, and form sharp-edged shells as adults. [3 definitions] |
barn dance |
a social gathering for dancing, often held in a barn and featuring square dances. |
barn owl |
a brown and white owl that lives in barns and feeds on rodents. |
barnstorm |
to travel through rural areas giving performances, political speeches, exhibition contests, or the like. [3 definitions] |
barn swallow |
a small insect-eating bird with dark blue and tan plumage and a deeply forked tail, that often nests in barns and similar structures. |
barnyard |
a yard or fenced area adjacent to a barn, esp. an enclosure for livestock and other farm animals. [3 definitions] |
baro- |
weight; pressure. |
barogram |
a visual record of atmospheric pressure over time, produced by a barograph. |
barograph |
a barometer that automatically records the atmospheric pressure. |
barometer |
a meteorological instrument that measures atmospheric pressure, esp. used to predict weather changes. [2 definitions] |
barometric pressure |
the pressure of the earth's atmosphere, as measured by a barometer; atmospheric pressure. |
baron |
a member of the hereditary nobility. In Great Britain, a baron is a nobleman of the lowest rank; peer. [2 definitions] |
baronage |
the rank of baron. [2 definitions] |
baroness |
a female baron. [2 definitions] |