batsman |
a player who is at bat, esp. in cricket. |
batt |
natural or synthetic pieces of material used as filler for quilts and the like; batting. |
battalion |
a military unit usu. comprising a headquarters company and two or more infantry companies; the basic unit of a division. [2 definitions] |
batten1 |
to grow fat; thrive. [3 definitions] |
batten2 |
a narrow board or strip used esp. for exterior siding and flooring in wooden building construction. [4 definitions] |
batter1 |
to beat hard and repeatedly, or to damage by so beating. [3 definitions] |
batter2 |
a thick mixture of liquid, flour, eggs, and other ingredients, often baked into bread or cake. |
batter3 |
the person who stands in to bat the ball in baseball or cricket. |
battered |
damaged or worn down by hard use. [3 definitions] |
battering ram |
a heavy wooden beam used by warriors in former times to break through doors, walls, gates, or the like. [2 definitions] |
battery |
a device that generates electricity by means of chemical reactions. [5 definitions] |
batting |
the action of using a bat in a game of baseball or cricket. [2 definitions] |
batting average |
a measure of a baseball player's batting ability computed by dividing the total number of base hits by the number of official times at bat. [2 definitions] |
battle |
a hostile and violent meeting between two opposing sides; fight. [5 definitions] |
battle-ax |
a wide-bladed, heavy ax used in former times as a weapon. |
battle cruiser |
a warship of great speed and firepower, with lighter armor than that of a battleship. |
battle cry |
a shout or cry of determination or enthusiasm given by troops in battle. [2 definitions] |
battledore |
an Asian predecessor of badminton, played with a wooden paddle and a shuttlecock. [2 definitions] |
battle fatigue |
severe mental distress or disorder resulting from combat in war; combat fatigue. (See shell shock.) |
battlefield |
the area in which a battle takes place. |
battlefront |
the area where opposing combatants clash. |