bearded |
having a substantial growth of beard. |
beardless |
combined form of beard. |
bearer |
someone or something that carries or supports. [2 definitions] |
bearing |
manner of conduct, behavior, or physical carriage. [5 definitions] |
bear in mind |
to remember or pay attention to (some information) that is in one's mind. |
bearish |
like a bear in physique or manner; burly; clumsy; rude. [2 definitions] |
béarnaise sauce |
a sauce made of butter, egg yolks, shallots, vinegar, and herbs, served over meat or fish. |
bearskin |
the pelt or hide of a bear. [2 definitions] |
bear up |
to face hardship without despairing; withstand difficulty or stress; be brave; endure. |
bear with |
to continue with despite aggravations; be patient with; be tolerant of. |
beast |
any four-footed mammal, esp. as distinguished from humans or from birds and invertebrates. [3 definitions] |
beastly |
of or like a beast in appearance or manner. [2 definitions] |
beast of burden |
an animal such as a donkey or ox used esp. for heavy work or carrying loads. |
beat |
to hit (someone or something) repeatedly. [15 definitions] |
beatable |
able to be defeated. |
beat about the bush |
to intentionally avoid the central matter or point. |
beat around the bush |
to intentionally avoid the central matter or point. |
beaten |
used by many people; much traveled. [4 definitions] |
beater |
an implement used for beating (sometimes used in combination). [4 definitions] |
Beat Generation |
(sometimes l.c.) used to characterize some members of the generation that reached maturity in the late 1950s, esp. in the United States, who were alienated from conventional society and who promoted experimentation in artistic and literary forms. |
beatific |
characterized by or exhibiting great contentment, peace, or joy; blissful. [2 definitions] |