become of |
to be the fate or outcome of; happen to. |
becoming |
pleasing or attractive. [4 definitions] |
bed |
a piece of furniture used for resting or sleeping. [10 definitions] |
bed-and-breakfast |
an establishment, often a small inn, that offers lodging and breakfast. |
bedaub |
to cover with daubs or smears, as of paint or mud. |
bedazzle |
to dazzle or impress so entirely as to cause confusion or uncritical admiration. |
bedbug |
a small wingless bloodsucking insect that sometimes infests human dwellings and beds. |
bedchamber |
bedroom. |
bedclothes |
bedcoverings such as blankets and sheets. |
bedcovering |
something such as a bedspread or blanket that is used to cover a bed; bedcover. |
bedding |
blankets, sheets, pillows, and other bedcoverings. [3 definitions] |
bedeck |
to dress or decorate in a showy way; adorn extravagantly. |
bedevil |
to annoy or harass devilishly; torment. |
bedew |
to cover with drops of dew or other moisture. |
bedfast |
obliged to stay in bed, as due to illness; bedridden. |
bedfellow |
a person who sleeps in the same bed as another. [2 definitions] |
Bedford Stuyvesant |
a neighborhood in the the New York City borough of Brooklyn, sometimes referred to as "Bed Stuy." |
bedim |
to make dim, dark, or obscure. |
bedizen |
to dress or decorate in a flashy, garish fashion. |
bed jacket |
a woman's loose garment designed to be worn over a nightgown while sitting up in bed. |
bedlam |
a situation or scene of confused disorder and uproar. |