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bedrock the solid layer of rock in the earth's surface, usu. beneath soil, sand, gravel, or the like. [3 definitions]
bedroll bedding rolled into a portable bundle, as for camping outdoors.
bedroom a room used for sleeping.
bedsheet a sheet to be used on a bed.
bedside the space alongside a bed, esp. of a sick person. [2 definitions]
bedsit (chiefly British; informal) a typically inexpensive rental accommodation combining a bedroom and sitting room along with facilities for cooking.
bedsitter (chiefly British; informal) a typically inexpensive rental accommodation combining a bedroom and sitting room along with facilities for cooking.
bed-sitting room (chiefly British) a typically inexpensive rental accommodation combining a bedroom and sitting room along with facilities for cooking.
bedsore a skin sore caused by the prolonged pressure of bedding, as in a long illness.
bedspread a covering for a bed that is generally used over blankets or other bed covering.
bedspring any of a number of springs closely confined in a frame and set in a bedstead to support a mattress.
bedstead the framework that supports the springs and mattress of a bed.
bedstraw a small herb with paired leaves and small flowers once used as stuffing for mattresses.
bedtime the usual time when one goes to bed or is supposed to go to bed.
bed-wetting urinating in bed, esp. at night; enuresis.
bee any of the flying, hairy-bodied, and often stinging insects that live either in social networks or alone, many of which suck nectar from flowers.
beebread a mixture of nectar and pollen made by bees to feed to their larvae.
beech a deciduous tree of temperate regions that has smooth gray bark and bears small, edible nuts. [2 definitions]
beechen consisting of or made of beech.
beech mast the nuts of the beech tree, esp. those that have fallen off the tree.
beechnut the small, edible nut of the beech tree.