bestir |
to stir or rouse (usu. oneself) to action. |
best-known |
most well-known. |
best man |
the bridegroom's principal attendant at a wedding. |
bestow |
to give, as a gift or award (usu. fol. by "on" or "upon"). [2 definitions] |
bestrew |
to scatter over or cover; strew. [2 definitions] |
bestride |
to be astride of; straddle. [3 definitions] |
bestseller |
a book or other product that outsells most others of its kind during a specified period. |
bet |
to agree to give up (usu. money) to another person if one's prediction of some future result does not occur. [7 definitions] |
beta |
the name of the second letter of the Greek alphabet. [3 definitions] |
beta blocker |
any of a class of drugs that inhibit the absorption of adrenalin and the activity of the autonomic nervous system, and are used to control the heartbeat and relieve angina and hypertension. |
beta-carotene |
a molecule of the carotene family that has a red-orange color and is abundant in plants. |
betake |
to take (usu. oneself) somewhere. |
beta particle |
a high-speed positron or electron ejected from a nucleus in radioactive decay or fission. |
beta ray |
a stream of beta particles, esp. those with a negative charge. |
betatron |
in physics, an electron accelerator in which the speed of the electrons is increased to high energies, from a few million to a few hundred million electron volts, by the action of a rapidly changing magnetic field. |
betel |
a climbing East Indian pepper plant. [2 definitions] |
Betelgeuse |
a red variable star in the constellation Orion, having a magnitude of 0.7. |
betel nut |
the nut of the betel palm, chewed together with betel pepper leaves and lime in southeastern Asia as a mild stimulant and narcotic. |
betel palm |
a tall palm tree of the Asian tropics that has feathery leaves and produces orange or red fruit and the betel nut. |
betel pepper |
a climbing plant of tropical Asia; betel. |
bête noire |
(French) black beast; someone or something that is intensely disliked or feared. |