binge |
(informal) a period of overindulgence, esp. in drinking alcoholic beverages or eating. [2 definitions] |
bingo |
a game of chance in which markers are placed on numbered squares on a card, in accordance with numbers chosen randomly and announced by a caller, and which is won by placing five such markers in a row. |
binnacle |
the nonmagnetic stand or case that supports or encloses a ship's compass. |
binocular |
pertaining to or involving the use of two eyes. [2 definitions] |
binomial |
in algebra, an expression made up of two terms with either a plus or a minus sign between them. [2 definitions] |
binomial theorem |
a general formula for expressing any power of a binomial expression without multiplying. |
bio |
(informal) a biography, usu. very brief. |
bio- |
life. |
bioastronautics |
(used with a sing. verb) the science of the effects of outer space and space travel on living organisms. |
bioavailability |
the extent to which a drug or other substance can be used by the body. [2 definitions] |
biobased |
being or pertaining to any non-food substance that is derived from living organisms. |
biochemistry |
the science of the chemistry of living things. |
biocide |
any substance capable of killing living organisms. |
biodegradable |
subject to decomposition by the action of living organisms such as bacteria. |
biodegrade |
to break down through the action of living organisms. |
biodiesel |
a low-polluting type of diesel fuel made from renewable, organically-derived oils such as vegetable oils or waste animal fats. |
biodiverse |
having a high level of biodiversity. |
biodiversity |
the diversity of life forms on earth or part of the earth, including diversity of species, genes, and ecosystems, esp. when regarded as providing the optimal conditions for evolution. |
biodynamic1 |
of or pertaining to the branch of biology dealing with the motion of living organisms. [2 definitions] |
biodynamic2 |
a form of organic farming that is holistic and applies mystical and astrological practices. [2 definitions] |
bioelectricity |
the scientific study of biological electric currents and fields and of the effects of external electromagnetic forces on biological systems. |