bleary-eyed |
having blurred vision, as from fatigue or tears. [2 definitions] |
bleat |
the characteristic vocal sound of a goat, sheep, or calf. [4 definitions] |
bled |
the past tense and past participle of "bleed." |
bleed |
to lose blood. [7 definitions] |
bleeder |
one who bleeds readily. [3 definitions] |
bleeding |
the act or process of losing blood. [3 definitions] |
bleeding heart |
any of several flowering plants, esp. a common garden variety with drooping red or deep pink, heart-shaped flowers. [2 definitions] |
bleep |
a short sharp high-pitched sound; beep. [2 definitions] |
blemish |
to mar or otherwise cause imperfections in. [3 definitions] |
blench1 |
to flinch or draw back in fear; quail. |
blench2 |
variant of blanch. |
blend |
to combine (two or more components) so thoroughly as to be unrecognizable in the resulting mixture. [9 definitions] |
blende |
zinc or zinc sulfide; sphalerite. [2 definitions] |
blended whiskey |
a blend of two straight whiskeys, or of one with neutral spirits in which the hundred-proof straight whiskey constitutes at least twenty percent of the combined volume. |
blender |
a machine used to prepare liquid foods by combining, chopping, and mixing at high speeds. |
blend in |
to merge with, fit in with, or be indistinguishable from, the surroundings or other people. |
blenny |
any of several small saltwater fishes with a long, tapering, slimy body. |
blepharitis |
inflammation of the eyelids. |
bless |
to make holy by religious ritual; sanctify. [5 definitions] |
blessed |
hallowed; sanctified. [4 definitions] |
blessing |
the formal religious act of one who blesses, or the words spoken as part of such act. [4 definitions] |