bloomer1 |
an outfit formerly worn by girls and women consisting of billowy trousers, gathered at the ankle and worn under a skirt and often with a jacket and wide-brimmed hat. [3 definitions] |
bloomer2 |
a blooming plant. [2 definitions] |
blooming |
in flower; blossoming. [3 definitions] |
bloop |
(informal) in baseball, to hit (the ball) in a low arc that carries just beyond the infield, usu. for a hit. [2 definitions] |
blooper |
(informal) in baseball, a hit ball that flies in a low arc just beyond the infield, usu. for a hit. [2 definitions] |
blossom |
the flowering part of a plant which forms a seed or fruit. [4 definitions] |
blot |
a stain or spot, esp. of ink on paper. [8 definitions] |
blotch |
a large, irregularly shaped stain or blot. [4 definitions] |
blotchy |
having or covered with blotches. [2 definitions] |
blot on one's escutcheon |
a disgraceful blemish on one's reputation. |
blot out |
to remove or cancel. [2 definitions] |
blotter |
a piece of absorbent paper used to blot ink or to protect a writing surface. [2 definitions] |
blotting paper |
a soft thick absorbent paper used to blot excess ink from a piece of writing; blotter. |
blouse |
a garment worn on the upper body, usu. by women and children, and having a bodice and optional collar and sleeves. [4 definitions] |
bloviate |
to speak or write in a pompous and long-winded manner, often with little substance. |
blow1 |
a quick, forcible hit by the fist or by a hard object. [3 definitions] |
blow2 |
to be in swift motion, as the air or wind. [14 definitions] |
blow-by |
the leakage of unburned gases or of air mixed with fuel into the crankcase of an automobile engine, or the gases so leaking. [2 definitions] |
blow-by-blow |
in full and precise detail, as a description or report. |
blow-dry |
to dry or arrange (the hair) with the aid of an electrical hand-held air blower. [2 definitions] |
blower |
someone or something that blows, esp. a machine that forces air to blow. |