blue fox |
the arctic fox during its summer bluish gray phase, or a mutant of the arctic fox that is this color throughout the year. [2 definitions] |
bluegill |
a common edible North American sunfish of freshwater lakes and streams. |
bluegrass |
a grass having a blue-green color and much used in pastures and lawns, found esp. in Kentucky. [2 definitions] |
blue gum |
a tall eucalyptus tree native to Australia and widely cultivated in California, with aromatic leaves and a smooth bark that peels off in shreds. |
blueing |
variant of bluing. |
blue in the face |
exhausted from excessive effort or activity. |
bluejacket |
a sailor, esp. one enlisted in the U.S. Navy. |
blue jay |
a common jay of eastern North America, with a crest, a bright blue upper body and head, and distinctive white and black markings. |
blue law |
any law prohibiting drinking, dancing, working, or doing business on Sunday. |
Blue Man Group |
a creative organization that provides performance-art theater in the form of a trio of blue-painted entertainers who incorporate such elements as food, odd props, rock music, and audience participation into their show. |
bluenose |
a person with puritanical ways and attitudes; prude. |
blue-pencil |
to edit or strike out with or as with a blue pencil. |
blue point |
a variety of Siamese cat with a pale body and dark bluish gray points. |
bluepoint |
a small oyster found mostly in beds near the eastern tip of Long Island. |
blueprint |
a photographic print of architectural or mechanical drawings, usu. done with white lines on a blue background. [3 definitions] |
blue-ribbon |
representing or being the best of a kind or type. |
blue ribbon |
the emblem awarded as first prize in a contest or competition. [2 definitions] |
blue-ribbon jury |
a jury specially selected for high intelligence, education, or other elite qualities. |
blues |
(used with a pl. verb) a state of melancholy or depression. [2 definitions] |
bluestocking |
a learned woman, esp. an intellectual and literary one. |
blue streak |
(informal) something moving with or as with the speed of lightning. [2 definitions] |