brachy- |
short. |
brachycephalic |
having a short, nearly round head, which is eighty percent or more as wide as it is long. (Cf. dolichocephalic.) |
bracing |
invigorating; energizing; stimulating. [3 definitions] |
bracken |
a large, coarse fern. [2 definitions] |
bracket |
an L-shaped fixture attached to a wall or other vertical surface to support something such as a shelf. [7 definitions] |
bracket creep |
(informal) an increase in income leading to one's placement in a higher tax bracket, sometimes resulting in a net decrease in income as a result of higher tax rates and inflation. |
brackish |
somewhat salty; briny. [2 definitions] |
bract |
a leaflike part usu. located below a flower or flower cluster. |
bractlet |
a small or secondary bract on a flower's stem. |
brad |
a thin nail with either a small head or a slight projection on the side. [2 definitions] |
bradycardia |
abnormally slow heart rate. |
brag |
to speak with excessive pride in oneself, or anything or anyone associated with oneself; boast. [5 definitions] |
braggadocio |
empty or exaggerated boasting. [3 definitions] |
braggart |
one who boasts a lot. [2 definitions] |
Brahma |
according to Hinduism, the impersonal, supreme, and eternal essence of the universe, from which all life originates. [2 definitions] |
Brahman |
among Hindus, a member of the highest, or priestly, caste; Brahmin. [2 definitions] |
Brahmana |
one of a collection of Hindu writings dealing with Vedic rituals and sacrifices. |
Brahmanism |
the religious doctrines and beliefs and the social caste system of the Brahmans. |
Brahmaputra |
a major river of Asia that originates in Tibet and flows through northern India and Bangladesh into the Bay of Bengal. |
Brahmaputra River |
a major river of Asia that originates in Tibet and flows through northern India and Bangladesh into the Bay of Bengal. |
Brahmin |
a cultured, socially elite person, esp. a member of an upper-class New England family. [2 definitions] |