breeder |
one whose occupation is breeding plants or animals. [3 definitions] |
breeder reactor |
a nuclear reactor that is designed to produce more fissionable material than it consumes, and thus generate additional fuel for its own operation. |
breeding |
the act or process of reproduction; propagation. [3 definitions] |
breeze |
a light or gentle wind. [4 definitions] |
breezeless |
combined form of breeze. |
breezeway |
a passageway with a roof and no sides that connects two buildings. |
breezy |
slightly windy. [2 definitions] |
bremsstrahlung |
electromagnetic radiation, such as x-rays, produced by the sudden deceleration or acceleration of an electron caused by its approach to an atomic nucleus. |
Bren gun |
a .303 caliber gas-operated submachine gun used by the British army in World War II. |
brethren |
a plural form of "brother," used to refer to fellow members of a religious or social group, society, or profession, and used esp. when addressing a formal gathering of such members; colleagues. [2 definitions] |
Breton |
a native of Brittany, or a descendant thereof. [3 definitions] |
breve |
a diacritical mark ( ˇ ), placed over a vowel to indicate that the vowel is short. [2 definitions] |
brevet |
a promotion in military rank, usu. honorary, without an increase in salary or authority. [2 definitions] |
breviary |
in the Roman Catholic Church, a book containing the hymns and prayers necessary for the daily devotions of the clergy. |
brevity |
shortness of duration. [2 definitions] |
brew |
to make (beer or ale) from malt and hops by a process of steeping, boiling, and fermenting. [9 definitions] |
brewery |
a building or plant where beer or ale is brewed. |
brewing |
the occupation, business, or activity of a person who makes beer, ale, or the like. [3 definitions] |
briar |
a pipe made from the brierroot. |
briarroot |
variant of brierroot. |
briarwood |
variant of brierwood. |