bulgur |
a nutritious wheat that is boiled, cracked or ground, and dried. |
bulimarexia |
an eating disorder, esp. found in young women, that is marked by the eating of large amounts of food followed by purging, usu. by self-induced vomiting or by taking laxatives, to avoid weight gain. (Cf. anorexia.) |
bulimia |
abnormally continuous and extreme hunger. [2 definitions] |
bulimia nervosa |
see "bulimarexia." |
bulk |
large size or volume. [7 definitions] |
bulkhead |
a wall that divides a ship into watertight parts. [3 definitions] |
bulky |
of large volume, but often relatively light. [2 definitions] |
bull1 |
a sexually mature male of several animal species, such as cattle and elephants. [9 definitions] |
bull2 |
an official papal document, usu. sealed with a round lead seal. |
bull- |
of or like a bull. [2 definitions] |
bullate |
having a bumpy, blistered, or puckered texture or appearance. |
bulldog |
a powerful breed of short-haired English dog with short legs, a stocky neck, and strong jaws. [3 definitions] |
bulldoze |
to move (earth) or clear out (land) using a bulldozer. [2 definitions] |
bulldozer |
a tractorlike piece of heavy equipment that pushes or lifts soil or debris with a vertical blade attached to the front. |
bullet |
a cylindrical, usu. pointed metal projectile that is shot from a firearm. [2 definitions] |
bulleted |
marked by a bullet symbol or symbols. |
bulletin |
an announcement of recent events or items of current interest. [2 definitions] |
bulletin board |
a board, usually hung on a wall, on which items such as notices or advertisements are displayed. |
bulletproof |
not penetrable by bullets. [2 definitions] |
bullet train |
a high-speed train, especially one of the type invented in Japan. |
bullfight |
a ceremonial sport practiced esp. in Spain and Mexico in which banderilleros and picadors first goad and tire a specially bred bull, and then a matador with a cape and sword provokes the bull into charging him several times, and finally kills it. |