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butterscotch a flavoring or candy prepared from butter, brown sugar, and other ingredients. [2 definitions]
butter up (informal) to praise or act very nicely toward (someone), sometimes insincerely, in hopes of gaining something from that person.
buttery1 like, containing, or covered with butter. [2 definitions]
buttery2 a storeroom for liquor and provisions of a household; larder.
butt in (informal) to mix into or intrude in other people's activities or conversation.
buttock (usu. pl.) either of the rounded, fleshy parts of the human body behind the pelvis. [2 definitions]
button any of various small, usually round, fasteners which are attached to a garment and designed to slide through a slit or loop. They may also be used purely for decoration. [7 definitions]
button-down with the collar tips held down with buttons.
buttonhole a small slit in a garment through which a button can be fastened. [3 definitions]
buttonhook a small, usu. metal hook used to pull buttons through their holes, esp. on shoes and gloves.
buttonless combined form of button.
button tree a West Indian tree or shrub that bears hard, button-shaped fruit and yields heavy, compact wood.
buttonwood a North American tree related to the sycamore, which bears a nonedible button-shaped fruit and yields hardwood suitable for timber.
buttress a structure that gives support to the outside of a building by absorbing excessive outward thrust. [4 definitions]
butut the smaller monetary unit of Gambia. (Cf. dalasi.)
butyl any of four hydrocarbon radicals having three carbon molecules and a valence of one.
butyl alcohol any of four isomeric alcohols with three carbon molecules, obtained from petroleum products and used in organic synthesis or as solvents.
butyric acid an organic acid found in animal milk fats, esp. rancid butter, and used to produce certain fragrances, disinfectants, flavors, and pharmaceuticals.
buxom of a woman, having a large bosom. [2 definitions]
buy to obtain in exchange for money; purchase. [7 definitions]
buyer one who buys. [2 definitions]