camel's-hair brush |
a type of small brush made from the hairs of a squirrel's tail and used by artists. |
Camembert |
a rich creamy cheese with a soft center. |
cameo |
a method of carving a gemstone so as to leave a slightly raised image of one color and a background of another. [3 definitions] |
camera |
a device with a shutter and lens that produces photographs by recording images on a light-sensitive film or plate. [2 definitions] |
cameraman |
a man who operates a motion-picture or television camera. |
camera-shy |
having or showing a dislike of being photographed. |
camerawoman |
a woman who operates a motion-picture or television camera. |
Cameroon |
a West African country on the Atlantic coast south of Nigeria. |
camisole |
a woman's sleeveless, waist-length undergarment. |
camomile |
variant of chamomile. |
camouflage |
a method of concealing something such as a person, vehicle, or building, esp. from an enemy military force, by covering it or coloring it so as to imitate its surroundings. [5 definitions] |
camouflageable |
combined form of camouflage. |
camp1 |
an outdoor place where tents or temporary shelters are set up. [9 definitions] |
camp2 |
the style of something such as clothing, decoration, art, or the like that is considered amusing because of its consciously pretentious showiness or outlandishness. [2 definitions] |
campaign |
a military operation organized to achieve specific objectives. [4 definitions] |
campanile |
a bell tower, esp. a free-standing one near another building such as a church. |
campanula |
any of various bellflower plants that bear bell-shaped, usu. blue flowers. |
camp bed |
(chiefly British) a small portable bed, esp. one that folds up; cot. |
camp chair |
a lightweight folding chair, usu. made of canvas, plastic webbing, or the like. |
campcraft |
the knowledge, techniques, or practice of camping outdoors. |
campeachy wood |
see "logwood." |