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camphor a whitish, strong-smelling compound extracted from camphor trees or synthesized, and used in plastics, insect repellents, and medications.
camphorate to treat or impregnate with camphor.
camphor ball a small mass of solid chemicals, including naphthalene or camphor, used to repel moths; mothball.
camphor ice a medicinal ointment composed of wax, camphor, and oil used chiefly to treat minor skin problems.
camping the activity of staying for a while in a tent or other temporary outdoor shelter for the purpose of recreation or to save money on accommodation while traveling.
campion any of various wild plants that bear pink, red, or white flowers.
camp meeting a religious gathering, usu. held over several days, taking place either outdoors or inside a tent.
campsite a place where one sets up camp, usually within a campground. [2 definitions]
campstool a lightweight folding seat, usu. having three or four legs and no back or arms.
campus the grounds of a school, college, or university.
camshaft an engine shaft having one or more cams.
can1 to have the ability to. [4 definitions]
can2 a commercial metal container, often cylindrical, for food or other products. [9 definitions]
Canaan the Biblical name of the land between the Jordan and the Mediterranean, which is now the state of Israel. [2 definitions]
Canada a North American country stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific north of the United States.
Canada balsam a clear thick yellow resin of a particular fir tree that hardens when exposed to air and is used chiefly as mounting cement in microscopy.
Canada Day a Canadian legal holiday on July 1, celebrating the anniversary of the formation of the Dominion in 1867; formerly Dominion Day.
Canada goose a large wild goose of North America, having brownish gray feathers, a black head and neck, and a white patch under the chin and up both sides of the face.
Canadian of or pertaining to Canada or its people, culture, or the like. [2 definitions]
Canadian bacon a cured, boneless strip of pork loin having a hamlike taste, usu. packaged in a cylindrical piece to be sliced.
Canadianism a custom, quality, or word use that originates in Canada or is peculiar to Canada.