canonize |
in the Roman Catholic Church, to declare (someone) a saint. [3 definitions] |
canon law |
the body of rules governing the faith and practice of certain Christian churches. |
canonry |
the office or position of a canon. [2 definitions] |
can opener |
a hand-operated device used for opening cans, or an electrical device used for the same purpose. |
canopy |
a suspended covering, usu. of fabric held up on poles, as over a bed, dining area, ceremonial area, or walkway. [5 definitions] |
canst |
(archaic) second person singular form of "can." |
cant1 |
insincere statements made to give one the appearance of goodness, piety, or the like. [6 definitions] |
cant2 |
a slanting line, edge, or surface, esp. one deviating from the horizontal or vertical; slope; incline. [5 definitions] |
can't |
contracted form of "cannot." |
cantabile |
flowing and songlike; lyrical (used as a musical direction). [2 definitions] |
cantaloupe |
any of several varieties of melon, esp. muskmelons, usu. having a hard, rough, ridged skin and orange flesh. |
cantankerous |
irritable, stubborn, and quarrelsome. |
cantata |
a musical composition for chorus, soloists, and instruments, based on a sacred text, poem, or play, and similar to but shorter than an oratorio. |
cantatrice |
(Italian and French) a professional female singer. |
canteen |
a small portable container, usu. for water; flask. [3 definitions] |
canter |
a horse's gait between a trot and a gallop. [2 definitions] |
Canterbury bells |
(used with a sing. or pl. verb) a plant of the bellflower family, cultivated for its blue, pink, or white flowers. |
cantharides |
see "Spanish fly." |
cant hook |
a blunt-tipped wooden lever with a movable metal hook near the lower end, used in handling logs; peavey. |
canthus |
the angle formed at either side of the eye at the juncture of the upper and lower eyelids. |
canticle |
a song or chant, esp. a nonmetrical hymn of worship with words taken from a Biblical text. |