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carbonic acid a weak colorless unstable acid, present only in solution, formed by dissolving carbon dioxide in water.
Carboniferous the Carboniferous Period, or the rock and coal layers that date from that time.
carboniferous containing, yielding, or pertaining to carbon or coal. [3 definitions]
carbonize to reduce or change into carbon; char. [2 definitions]
carbonless combined form of carbon.
carbon monoxide a colorless, odorless, combustible, and very poisonous gas, produced by the incomplete combustion of material containing carbon, such as gasoline, because of insufficient air.
carbon-neutral of or pertaining to a state in which no net carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere.
carbon paper very thin paper coated on one side with carbon or a dark waxy pigment, that is placed between two sheets of paper and produces a copy on the lower sheet of text that is written or typed on the upper.
carbon tetrachloride a colorless, nonflammable, vaporous, poisonous liquid used as a fire extinguisher, cleaning fluid, and solvent, and in making refrigerants.
carbonyl a metal compound containing a radical of one atom of carbon and one of oxygen, or this radical itself.
carboxyl a chemical group containing one atom of carbon, two of oxygen, and one of hydrogen, present in many organic acids.
carboxylic of or pertaining to a compound that contains a carboxyl group.
carboy a large bottle, usu. made of glass and surrounded by a protective framework of wood or basketry, used esp. to store and carry corrosive fluids.
carbuncle a dark gemstone, esp. a ruby sapphire. [2 definitions]
carburet to combine, mix, or charge with carbons or hydrocarbons, so as to increase the potential fuel energy.
carburetor a device in an internal-combustion engine that produces a combustible mixture of vaporized fuel and air.
carcajou the wolverine.
carcass a dead body, esp. of an animal. [3 definitions]
carcinogen a substance that causes cancer.
carcinogenesis the development of cancerous cells from normal ones.
carcinoid a small tumor that secretes serotonin, found esp. in the gastrointestinal tract or lung.