cartography |
the art or technique of producing maps. |
carton |
a box made of thick paper, sometimes coated, or of plastic, made to hold one particular type of product. [2 definitions] |
cartoon |
a drawing or series of drawings, usu. with written or spoken commentary or dialogue, and usu. humorous or satirical in nature; caricature; comic strip. [5 definitions] |
cartoonist |
one who draws cartoons, esp. as one's job. |
cartridge |
a tubular case for an explosive charge or bullet. [4 definitions] |
cartridge clip |
a metal container or frame used to hold and load cartridges into an automatic rifle or pistol; clip. |
cartwheel |
a sideways somersault with the arms and legs extended like wheel spokes. [2 definitions] |
carve |
to form or inscribe by cutting. [5 definitions] |
carvel |
variant of caravel. |
carving |
the act or product of carving in wood, stone, or the like. |
carving knife |
a long knife used to carve meat. |
carwash |
a commercial establishment equipped to wash car exteriors and often to perform related services such as waxing and interior cleaning. [2 definitions] |
caryatid |
a sculptured female figure, usu. in flowing Grecian robes, used as a supporting architectural column. |
casaba |
a variety of winter muskmelon with a yellow rind and sweet, white flesh. |
Casanova |
Giovanni Jacopo, an Italian adventurer and writer (1725-98). [2 definitions] |
Casbah |
(sometimes l.c.) the old, crowded native quarter of any of several North African cities, esp. Algiers. [2 definitions] |
cascade |
a steep waterfall or series of small waterfalls. [5 definitions] |
cascara |
a North American buckthorn tree, from the bark of which a laxative, cascara sagrada, is derived. |
case1 |
an instance or example of something. [9 definitions] |
case2 |
a receptacle for holding or carrying; container. [5 definitions] |
casefy |
to make or become like cheese. |